Aloha, The time has come for many people to realize that what is available is much greater than we have ever imagined. In this time people are going beyond the constricting views of the past to create the lives that they desire.
With the exposure to Law of Attraction and Conscious Creation many people are looking at ways to have their desires manifest in an entirely new way.
I support my clients in taking their power and consciously creating their lives. I seek to bring others the “Real Life Support” that will help create what they want. I support people in being who they are in the most powerful way; I facilitate opportunities for transformation.
All people that I work with are on the path of taking their power, living in the most empowered conscious state of being. This allows for conscious creation of your life. This is activated by energy, intention and desire.
I support people in moving forward on their path and being the truth of who they are in the world. My intention is to share the energy and information that is coming to and through me and support others on their journey to conscious empowerment and having all they desire.
Please feel free to Contact Me if you have any questions.
Mahalo, Hoku
Individual Sessions
Groups & Events
Energy Clearing
What People Are Saying
“Hoku is a gifted intuitive, empath and energy healer. She has the ability to tap immediately into the wisdom of the universe to bring you direct guidance for the next steps on your path. To simply call her “psychic” would be a gross understatement.
Rather than just “entertainment,” this is real wisdom from a council of guides– both Hoku’s and your own– offering you Real Life Support, followed by a powerful energy clearing to remove any obstacles so that you are well prepared to step boldly into the next phase of your journey.” Eve Eschner Hogan, Author of The EROS Equation and owner of Heart Path Journeys
“After I left you I was in awe. I don’t think I have ever felt more loved than in your presence. I was dazed for quite a while.
Hoku, I believe in your gift. There was nothing but pure light and love in that room Wednesday. Help me hold on to the light and love so I can love purely. Help me stay in the present.
Thank you more than I can say for showing up in my life at this crucial time – an enormous opportunity for positive change. I promise to pay it forward.”
Love, – J